As I sit down to write this entry, Germany has been our home for two years. I think back to the day we were scheduled to fly from Connecticut to Germany, and the awful snowstorm that hit the northeastern seaboard. We ended up arriving a day later than expected and walked into our new home in Kronberg with boxes from floor to ceiling (and 3 days before Christmas). Our relocation agent had put up a Christmas tree so the house was filled with the aroma of Christmas. I'll never forget how Noah peeked out the window (and if you've been here you know it's a bit like a fishbowl...and everyone knows what you do and where you are in the house) and saw his cousins David and Megan. My eyes just filled with tears - so happy they were here to help us move in and be here at Christmas....but so worried because I didn't know a thing...or know a person.
Frankfurt Banhof with Dave, Heather and the kids! (2009) |
Somehow we made it.....and today I sit and glance at the Christmas tree now filled with ornaments from places we've traveled throughout Europe. I look at the paintings on the walls and each tells a story of somewhere we've been in the last two years on this journey. I think of my Christmas card list which now includes friends from all over the world.
This time of year is always a time of refection. No matter where you are in the world, Christmas is a special time. Living in Germany at Christmas is especially beautiful...the last two years we have had snow on the ground...but this year it has been mild (and rainy). We were able to walk through some Christmas markets which transform the local villages into real life fairy tales....with twinkling lights, and of course the taste and smell of the ever so popular gluhwein. Caleb had his fair share of kinder punch...and reported to his entire class that he is 'hooked' on gluhwein. I guess it's better than what he told his kindergarten class after a trip to Belgium and his remark (that made the Primary newsletter nonetheless) 'I love beer'.
Living in another country and culture has proven to be rewarding....but challenging at times as well. As an expat - your friends become your family. Your support network. Most of our husbands travel the globe, and it truly is a blessing to have friends that have 'been there, done that' and help out at a moments notice. One challenge is saying goodbye to friends. It's just part of the lifestyle....but I can honestly say I haven't gotten used to it. We said goodbye to dear friends this year that arrived in Germany when we did. They are now off to Australia (which is home for them)...and we look forward to a visit down under in the not too distant future. Noah is already saving his money for his trip to Australia when he graduates. I have no doubt this will happen! This experience has made the world a much smaller place. I often tell Noah (now that he's in 6th grade) that when I was in 6th grade, I had to write a paper on the most interesting place I thought I'd ever go. I chose Maine. Now being a Wisconsin girl, I couldn't even imagine how great it would be to see that part of the US and the eastern sea board. Eat lobsters....and be out on the ocean - that would be a crazy adventure for sure. I never even imagined I'd be living in Europe, and still pinch myself when I look at what my kids are experiencing. They look at the world so differently than I ever did at their age. They are accepting of other cultures and ways of life. It is very refreshing. When Caleb talks about his new friends at school...I never know if they are from India, China, England....he never mentions color...just their names! (and I have to be honest - sometimes the names give it a way...and I never know how to spell them...but he sure does) It always gives me goosebumps...and I am very proud of how all of them have adjusted. I said in one of my first posts - that we will be forever changed from this experience.....and that continues to hold true. It is an ongoing adventure...and we are truly blessed to be able to experience it as a family.
I certainly miss my family and close friends, and during the holidays it's especially tough. It's these times of year that make me feel very far away. Tim knows and recognizes that I am most homesick when I am out of my routine....when the kids have breaks from school....and people scatter all over the globe, and there isn't that daily visit with friends that speak english. We usually plan our trips around those breaks (and as you know there are many)....and we are thrilled to take a trip to somewhere very sunny this holiday ( I still can't believe it)....I will keep it a secret until my next post as it is a surprise for the kids. Although my very savvy daughter has clued in....and has told me to close my tabs on the computer......gotta love it!
We were so blessed to have many visitors over the last year. Dear friends from the US traveled to spend time with us. We also had several visits from family - we are so very lucky. Grandma Do and Pa (Dave and Doreen, Tim's parents) have visited 3 times in the last year. Amazing! As soon as we hear when someone is coming we start counting the days......and of course we never know how they make it through customs with all the bags of pop tarts and chocolate chips they bring with them. We would love to have you plan your trip - and we'll pencil it in. I've gotten really good at being a tour guide...and there's so much to see - and all so close to Frankfurt!
Trip to Umbria, Italy (Summer 2011) |
We spent a week with Dave, Heather and the kids in Umbria |
Caleb with Megan and Hannah - loving every minute |
Skiing in Austria (February 2011) |
Hannah and her friend Ashley skiing |
Ben and Emily Mabon visiting in the spring |
A trip to London with the our dear friends Dave and Laura Mabon |
Our 19th wedding anniversary - took an 'antiquing' trip to Belgium |
The Hernke's visit us in Germany |
My college friend, Joan and her family visited |
Dad's and daughers (Italy, 2011) |
Tim & Dave in Umbria, 2011 |
My sister Ellen and her husband Tom visit |
Although I miss my peppermint mochas (Starbucks doesn't have those in Germany).....and my XM holiday tunes (don't have that, either)......we do love our time here in Germany!
Here's wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas....and a New Year filled with love, laughter and good health (and maybe a visit to Germany)
Merry Christmas!
Luke 2:13-14
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”