I've read many a book over here about moving overseas and culture shock headlines at least one chapter in all of them.....what is it? People experience it when they are confronted with a different culture in daily life! BINGO - that would be me! Today was another day when I was asked this all to familiar question, "Is this your first international move?" - after 9 domestic ones I thought I was a pro....but this overseas thing is a challenge. I am constantly meeting people that are such seasoned expats! For me,today was the day I just wanted to master ONE thing - and like magic that would make my life easier.....think again....with culture shock there is no one single thing to master.....it's a million little things that you never have to think about at home......should I actually look up and acknowledge this person when he walks by - but they might thing I'm a stalker. Can I talk to a person in the checkout line.....oh, that might be a little too personal....heck...I'm still trying to back 'junior' out of the driveway without backing into my neighbors stone wall......and how do they keep their cobblestone driveways so neat? I think you could eat off any one of them and you wouldn't find the hard macaroni noodles like you do on my dining room floor.
Today the sun was shining.....the birds are singing and it's time for me to get that winter crud off my car. With my 'wee one' in tow (home sick today) we set out for what should be a very simple thing.....which turned into an adventure! Any guesses from the picture?
I realize that a car wash should be simple.....we pull into a local gas station! The same station that I took junior to for the first time and couldn't figure out what to use......no aha moment for me...they all looked the same - other than diesel - and there was no unleaded! This is the same station I had to walk in and kindly ask how, and what to fill my tank with......BENZENE! As I walk in the door today to ask about the car wash....I could see he recognized me......oh no, the American lady who doesn't speak much German! Guten Tag (the appropriate greeting for 11:00am) because we're an hour past Guten Morgen (that ends at 10:00am.) I get my code for the carwash and try to interpret what the heck he's telling me to do.....charades may have been helpful at this point. Caleb and I head to the machine...I have flashbacks to the ATM at the bank.....everything is in German - the door to the carwash is closed.....we just talked with friends about the carwash and they said it's German engineering at it's best. I remember my mantra - EVERYTHING WILL BE OK! I'm 9 euros in at this point (about 11+ dollars) and I'm not turning back. I push in the code and nothing happens....the machine says 'bitte nieren'....now what??? Caleb sees a big green button on the side of the garage door...it was like an episode of Blues Clues...the button was huge and it's almost as though it came to life and said push me...you crazy American! Caleb pushed it and the garage door opened....we jumped in the car and drove in the 'box' - if there was one thing I got from the gas attendent in any language was......EXIT the garage! We turn around and dash out....the door closes and junior is having the first real 'car spa' experience. We waited about funf minuten and the door opened again....there isn't even an inch (or centimeter) to spare when you open your door....so we get in as fast as we can and have to back out before the door closes...and at this point there is a line of cars....and not much room to back out! I was sure the door would close and there we would be....the cover of the latest Kronberger (local paper) - 'Crazy American stuck in the carwash'......
All in all we made it - I mastered one thing today....and even attempted to vacuum the car as well.....one euro lasted about 2 minuten....but as we were vacuuming we noticed this on one of my car mats and it made our adventure worth every minuten.
Gute Fahrt.....gotta love Germany!