Now when I usually think of a holiday I think of a special occasion. But now that I have lived in Germany for over a year, holiday has taken on a whole new meaning. You know what....Europeans have this holiday-thing down. The kids get three weeks off for Christmas, and I love every minute of the European school schedule. Now keep in mind we only get 6 weeks off for it all evens out in the end. We booked our first ever......10 day.....crazy to Tenerife. I must admit a year ago I had no idea where Tenerife was or anything about my German may not have improved but by golly my geography sure has! All I knew about Tenerife was that is was one of the Canary Islands (who knew)....and I'll be the first to tell you there ain't any canaries to be found....but the Canaries are a group of islands southwest of Morocco that are owned by Spain.

As usual I packed the bags (except for Hannah - she does her own packing - and she is darn good at it...puts me to shame - she's forever whipping out some cute outfit - and all I have are mismatched shoes). I had a flashback to my childhood as we stood in the airport check in line. We had 20 inches of snow on the ground in Frankfurt...and darn it we were heading somewhere warm...who needs a coat, right? Back in the old days (as my kids say) I was (and still am) the youngest of five kids. I can remember loading the car for our annual trek from Wisconsin to Florida for springbreak. My dad would have his bermuda shorts on before we crossed into Illinois. So I looked around at the other customers standing in line heading for sunny Spain...they had on coats and hats...and we were sporting a lighweight fleece and flats. (no socks) But as I noted before, not Hannah....she was appropriately dressed and toasty warm. Watch out Spain the Schmidt clan is a comin' your way.

As we got to the ticket counter it was a bit like a scene from 'Meet the Fockers'....when Ben Stiller got upgraded to first class, and everything seemed to going just right....we got upgraded - no questions asked (and we didn't even ask) - although we did stand out with our spring/summer attire and maybe he just felt a little sorry for us. But in any event....we will take it! Sold! As we boarded the plane and got our family of 5 settled in, it was time to begin this magical thing Europeans call holiday...maybe a mimosa, or one of those nice warm towels...but all I could focus on at that very moment was the incredible amount of coughing, sneezing, wheezing and who knows what else circulating all around us - blowing right in my face - I can never reach the thing to turn it in the world will we actually get off this flight without catching some crazy, exotic bug....and then landing in some island...ok..just sit back, relax and stop worrying. Of course the rest of the family is settled just takes 'mom' a bit longer.
Our flight from Frankfurt to Madrid was quite easy - who can complain when you're sitting at the front of the plane. As we got off the flight attendant said, "buenos dias" not 'guten tag' holiday had begun. Although as we walked to our next gate I did notice there were an awful lot of Ugg boots and parkas will get warmer after this next 3 hour flight, right?
We weren't so lucky on the next leg of our journey - no upgrade - and as a matter of fact we were scattered all over the plane....and it was a full - filled to the brim - luggage jammed in overheads kind of flight. As we took off the flight attendant started going over all the safety items in spanish, then german....and finally english. Those are the moments when you feel a long, long ways from home. The flight was uneventful, although we could see the beautiful sea below us and that got our adrenalin flowing. As we got off this leg of our journey I really didn't spot any parkas or Uggs...I think we're going to be ok. Of course the kids are stripping off their fleeces and baring those wonderful pasty white arms.......Our Spanish holiday has begun.
It's a lot of concrete right smack in the middle of the Ocean |
We spotted the taxi stand and waited for a taxi large enough for 5 people and their baggage. These taxis are not made for families of 5, so just imagine something like a cross between a mini van and a station wagon pulling up.....the driver proceeded to flip up a jump seat in the way back....and who gets that seat you wonder? Another flashback to my childhood....and being the youngest of reserved spot on our family treks was always the hump. So amongst all the bags there sat Caleb...with basically just the top of his head and his eyes peaking through all the bags....youngest dudes don't ever get the best seat in our family. Although I did feel a bit bad as this is the kid who gets carsick after a few minutes on the autobahn (but then who doesn't). After a 10 hour travel day it was just about perfect timing for the clan to get the giggles....and it all stemmed from taxi driver. This sweet, very petite Spanish man. "Look how big dad looks. He looks like a giant", one of the kids said. I'm sure that not all Spanish men are this small, but at this moment, in our was most certainly the case. Tim was sitting in the front seat next to our driver...and granted Tim is tall....but I'm not kidding when I say that I think our driver could have fit into Tim's shirt pocket....he could have been a pocket pal. It just struck us as funny.....and once one domino falls.....they all go down.....where is that sangria when you need it! Actually it wasn't too far we walked into the hotel this wonderful Spanish man (also quite small) greeted us with punch and sangria......I am loving Spain!
The view from our balcony |
Needless to say the weather was perfect. It was sunny and bright every day. I so miss the sun...this is just what the Doctor ordered. We didn't need a fleece the entire time....and the sunsets at the end of day made it feel like groundhog day.....remarkable. We were the only Americans at the hotel(and the only ones reading the Bush novel - which stirred some discussion one morning at breakfast). The Canary Islands are frequented by the British (English) and the German. It was awesome hearing English and having an English menu everywhere you go - Big Bonus!
Because Tenerife is a volcanic island, the sand at the beaches is black. Some of the resorts have brought in white sand, but the black sand was interesting and it is said that it has radioactive currents that help with healing arthritis....don't know what truth there is to that...but you never know it might come up one day when you're in need of silly trivia.
The water temperature only varies 3 degrees during the year. |
The flowers were sparce - not nearly as beautiful as Hawaii or the Bahamas |
We chartered a sailboat one day....and our Captain Frank guaranteed we'd see whales or money back. I wasn't too dolphins, yes.....but whales? We sailed out about 5 miles and sure enough...even though most in the fam were feeling a bit green.....we saw whales. Pilot whales...that are only found in Japan, Hawaii and Tenerife.....and they feed on giant squid. Who knew? Another bit of trivia if you ever end up on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire".
It is pretty amazing to be on 'holiday' for 10 days. And I've been converted...because a holiday is a special occasion in my book..... and this trip was certainly just that. We are very lucky to be experiencing this...and we're soaking it all in.
I was amazed as I looked around the pool and didn't see people on cell phones...but really relaxing. I walked the pool deck one day and couldn't get over the number of people reading 'Girl with the dragon tattoo' in a million different languages. I've gotten used to the topless's a cultural thing and quite frankly I don't even notice anymore. One thing that is quite universal whether it's a U.S. vacation or a European holiday is a simple game of Marco Polo......same in every language. I loved my aqua yim (gym - but he pronounced it yim) instructor....and even though it was absolutely the most embarrassing, humiliating thing I could have done (according to my kids)....I thoroughly enjoyed it. They really loved it when I waved to them across the pool....they about died. I did notice by day 4 that the clan usually headed to the beach about 3:15.....just as Aqua Yim was beginning. It was refreshing to see my husband relaxing....enjoying a bit of peace...and the kids enjoyed his undivided attention. One thing I just have to mention is the New Year's Day parade. It wasn't a Disney owned hotel, but Disney characters are universal....and to see a Spanish, nicely-tanned Mickey and Minnie was priceless.

Overall I will take a 'holiday' any day.....and it is really the first time that by the end of the trip we didn't yearn for one more was time to go was back to routine and reality. It was time to put on the layers....and the Uggs. And that's ok with me!