Where's Frau Schmidt

Where's Frau Schmidt

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Me, Myself and I

Today as I write this....I am alone - the house is quiet!  I haven't been alone since I arrived in Germany.  It is a bit odd.....although I am enjoying it.  The kids started at their International School yesterday.  Caleb is in Primary - which is equivalent to U.S. kindergarten.  Noah started at the elementary campus and Hannah is at the Upper School.  I sat back yesterday and just thought to myself what a kid from WI would have done with such an opportunity when I was growing up.  I don't know if I would have handled as well as my kids did.  School is a melting pot - if Hannah doesn't fall madly in love with a European boy - just kidding!  All the kids seemed pleasant, approachable and very much 'normal'. International schools are very transient as students come and go often.  They are used to new kids, as they all have been 'new' at one time or another.  The question I got the most yesterday was, "is this your first international school?" It is mesmerizing to think that some of these students have attended other schools around the world.  WOW!  The school is made up of 20% Americans - and being that it is English-speaking is wonderful.  The kids will all take German - they will also choose another language as well.  I guarantee they will be speaking it much quicker than me.  It was funny as we spoke to all the counselors for the different ages.  They all said the same thing......"the kids will be fine, the husband will be fine, what about mum?"  Mum will be o.k.  As many expats have told me there are so many people in the same boat - that you have instant acquaintances as we are all in it together.  I think yesterday what struck me the most was the number of people that have been here for 18 months and only have a certain amount of time left.  They have travelled and explored....and were quite informative as to where to go, what to do, how to get there......I am going to make myself a cup of tea, and pinch myself as I look at the window at the cobblestone weg, (alley) I call home. 

1 comment:

  1. oh Amy, you sound so good- and so positive! What a Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you have such a good "handle" on it! I hope you enjoy each day and new adventure it brings with it!

    AND continue to keep us updated! I LOVE this blog!!!
